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Legislative Lunch and Learn

The election is behind us, and we head into the unknown. Rather than live in  fear, isolation, exhaustion and constant disorientation, we may want to pay extra attention to ourselves and others in our lives. In addition, however, we need to examine how potential policies and issues will play out in Topeka. Why? Because they ultimately affect us. 
Believe it or not, JoCo legislators hold an important place in Wyandotte County lives. OurWyandotte legislative delegation is too small to effect change by themselves. They need like-minded legislators on both sides of the isle to vote in unity and enact policies beneficial to us, here in Wyandotte. Without them, and to a degree (due to the super-majority), even with them, it’s sometimes an uphill battle.
To that end, please join us at our JoCo Legislative Lunch and Learn on December 7th. We’ll take a look at the past to get a bird’s eye view of what’s coming.