About Us

Voter Rights Network of Wyandotte County is a collaboration of community organizations and individuals from Wyandotte and Johnson Counties who come together to advocate for voting rights. Our focus is educating underrepresented, marginalized, and like-minded groups and individuals on issues that impact voters and voter influence. We guide, provide tools, encourage participation in political processes and create mechanisms for action. We partner with organizations that assist our work, including the League of Women Voters of Johnson County, which has been instrumental in providing mapping and insight for the crucial, upcoming redistricting process.

We are non-partisan, as are most of our affiliated organizations, and we strive for opportunities, fairness and a voice in local, regional, statewide and national issues that affect voter rights. These issues can be broad and all-encompassing or narrow in scope, as they touch lives in many ways. For example: discrimination (racial, ethnic, gender and other forms), health and healthcare, hate and other violence (including police), social, economic and criminal injustice, and of course, voter suppression, to name a few key societal concerns that can have bearing on voter welfare.

Some of the organizations and members that participate in the work of the Voter Rights
Network Wyco are:

  • All Souls UU KC Justice Action Group
  • Advocates for Immigrant Rights and Reconciliation (AIRR)
  • Civic Action Ministry of Oakridge Missionary Baptist Church
  • Cross Border Network
  • El Centro
  • First Baptist Church of KCK
  • Grandview Presbyterian Church
  • Johnson County NAACP
  • Justice and Equity Coalition
  • League of Women Voters of Johnson County
  • Women’s Equality Network
  • Wyandotte County NAACP
  • Other passionate and justice-minded individuals in Wyandotte and Johnson Counties

Please join us in our voting rights efforts. We welcome the energy, fervor, and
dedication you bring to our work. Sign up, attend meetings, take action! Unite with our
fight; help keep our voting power strong!

