Voter Rights Network of Wyandotte County

We are committed to advocacy on voter rights issues. These may include but are not limited to:

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Marginalized Voters
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Voter Rights
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We engage in advocacy to ensure justice, equitable treatment, and the rights of people of color and other disenfranchised groups. Our commitment is to engage marginalized communities in advocacy and the legislative process on key issues. We achieve our mission through education, awareness, and updates on legislative bills, advocacy strategies, guidance on writing and delivering testimony, redistricting map creation, and by promoting interactions and direct communication with legislators.

We partner with other local, regional, and statewide organizations to provide informational and training seminars to achieve our goals.

Share Your Testimony at the Next Public Hearing!

Voters living within specific district map boundaries are empowered to elect representatives that will make decisions that benefit the communities they serve. When these boundaries are redrawn, it can move voters into another district with a different elected official who does not represent those voters’ interests. Share with legislators why it is vitally important to keep the Wyandotte County map intact and protect the voting rights of its diverse community.

You Can Help!

By using your voice, you can share how the district map should be redrawn and why!

The current census numbers have increased in both Wyandotte and Johnson Counties, population segments must be removed from the 3rd district.

Each of the four districts in Kansas has to have a specific number of people, 734,470.

That means the district lines have to be changed because the U.S. Constitution says that a district can’t have more than a certain number of people. Therefore,  the lines of that more populated district have to change or be redrawn to even out the numbers again. To do that, people must be shifted to another district with fewer people.

In District 3, our district, both Wyandotte and Johnson Counties are over that number based on the recent census. The district lines must be redrawn to remove a specified amount of the population from our district.

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